Thai Chile Pepper
Inventory, lb : 0
This item was last sold on : 10/23/24

Her Produce is a multi-generational family farm located in Fresno, California growing a variety of vegetables and specialty fruits. Thai chiles are long and narrow coming to a point at their tip end. Petite in size they measure on average only one-half to two inches in length and one-fourth to one-half inch in width at their stem end. Its thin skin has a meaty texture and encases numerous tiny seeds. Typical of Thai cuisine, this hot chile pepper has a potent, lingering heat and registers between 50,000 and 100,000 Scoville units. When green its heat is immediate and intense, once at the red stage though they may at times have a delayed potency that grows in heat the first few minutes after consuming.

Thai Chile Pepper
Code Unit UOM
15089-187 lb LB