Chicken Base
Inventory, 12 ct : 5.83
This item was last sold on : 09/28/24

Custom Culinary bases are made with the finest ingredients and designed for commercial production. Made with Roasted chicken for full-bodied flavor, Chicken base is ideal for creating delicious soups and stews and for finishing chicken dishes. Each 16 oz container of chicken base will reconstitute to 5 gallons of chicken stock.

Featured Restaurants
Restaurants currently purchasing this product as an ingredient for their menu.
Animae  San Diego CA   619-925-7908
Bar Same Same (Kitchen)  Carlsbad CA   760-470-9143
Chef Sebastian LLC  La Jolla CA   858-740-0878
Harley Gray Kitchen and Bar  San Diego CA   619-840-7000
Ketch Grill and Taps  San Diego CA   858-268-1030
La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club  San Diego CA   619-816-8319
Maderas Golf Club  Poway CA   858-451-8100
Mesa College  San Diego CA   619-388-2240
Nick & G's Restaurant  Rancho Santa Fe CA   858-771-1871
Nolita Hall  San Diego CA   619-618-8820
Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club  Rancho Santa Fe CA   858-756-1582
Sbicca Del Mar  Del Mar CA   619-417-2587
The Compass  Carlsbad CA   760-434-1900
UCSD Health East campus  San Diego CA   619-578-3373
Wolf In the Woods  San Diego CA   619-851-7275
Chicken Base
Code Unit UOM
21722-25 12 ct CS
21722-339 16 oz EA