Frozen Sliced Diagonal Green Plantain
Inventory, 4 ct : 0.75
This item was last sold on : 09/02/24

Plantains are similar to bananas in appearance, but are larger and have a starchier flavor. Green plantains are sliced in a diagonal fashion to give a spear-like shape. The Green plantain offers a starchy taste that is similar to the potato or yucca root. Sliced plantains take little to no time to prepare. These make a great snack, appetizer or side dish.

Featured Restaurants
Restaurants currently purchasing this product as an ingredient for their menu.
Coco Maya by Miss Bs  San Diego CA   858-245-3780
Toast Catering  San Diego CA   619-795-9135
Frozen Sliced Diagonal Green Plantain
Code Unit UOM
3957-131 4 ct CS
3957-155 6 lbs EA
3957-187 lb LB