Gold Bar Squash
Inventory, lb : 0

Beylik Family farms is a family-owned and operated farm located in Filmore, CA that was founded in 1971. Beylik Family farms uses hydroponic farming to grow flavorful tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Gold Bar squash is a long, slim summer squash aptly named for its bright, golden yellow skin. Its exterior is shiny and smooth, oftentimes with subtle pale-yellow striping running the length of the squash. The ends of the squash are capped with bright green at both its blossom end and stem. Its interior flesh is creamy white with a firm yet succulent texture and moist seed cavity. Its thin skin is tender and need not be removed prior to consumption particularly since most of the squash's nutrients are located in it. Its flavor is nutty, grassy and subtly sweet both when raw and when cooked.

Gold Bar Squash
Code Unit UOM
5368-187 lb LB