Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Quince resemble a large, lumpy yellow pear with skin that may be smooth or covered with a woolly down depending on variety. A characteristic common to all varieties is their strong aromatic fragrance, a musky-wild, tropical-like perfume. Astringent and sour, the flesh cannot be eaten raw and requires cooking to be edible. The fruit becomes a rich candy-like paste when slowly cooked and turns a deep apricot color with floral honeyed flavors.
Quince are available sporadically throughout the year with peak season in the fall.
Current Facts
Quince are botanically classified as Cydonia oblonga, and are the sole member of its genus. At one time they were considered a staple in kitchens around the world including the United States, but are now mainly found in the East, specifically Turkey and China. This aromatic fruit has now been relegated as a specialty item in most of North American but remains popular in many Latin American countries where as a cooked jelly it is known as dulce de membrillo.