Rau Dang
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Rau Dang has long, slender stems, averaging 10-20 centimeters in length, that bear many small round to oval leaves. The bright green leaves are smooth, thick, fleshy, and flat, averaging 2-3 centimeters in length, and grow in an alternating pattern along the semi-thick, tender light green stems. The plant extends low to the ground, growing in all directions, and in the late spring, small flowers ranging in color from white, purple to blue also appear on the stems. Rau Dang is crisp and succulent with a very bitter, green flavor.
Rau Dang is available year-round in humid, tropical and subtropical climates.
Current Facts
Rau Dang are sprawling, fast-growing, leafy plants that are found in subtropical or tropical regions near streams, marshes, rivers, and canals, sometimes even growing on top of the water. Generally known as Bitter Herb in Asia, there is much debate on the scientific classification of this plant. Some experts believe it can be classified as Glinus oppositifolius, belonging to the Molluginaceae family, while other experts believe it is classified as Bacopa Monnieri, belonging to the Plantaginaceae family. Rau Dang is a wild herb predominately utilized in Asia, especially in Vietnam, and is used both medicinally and in culinary applications.
Nutritional Value
Rau Dang contains some fiber, antioxidants to help protect the overall health of the body, and some anti-inflammatory properties.
Rau Dang is extremely bitter and is best suited for fast-cooking applications such as blanching. It is most well-known for its use as an ingredient in hot pot and is added at the end of the cooking process. It is also commonly added to soups and stews such as snakehead fish soup and sweet potato soup, mixed into porridge, sautéed or stir-fried with garlic and served with seafood, or blended into dipping sauces such as a bitter chile sauce. Rau Dang pairs well with sesame oil, garlic, fish sauce, soy sauces, seafood such as fish, crab, and shrimp, sesame seeds, noodles, and rice. The herb will keep up to one week when wrapped in a damp paper towel and stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
In Asia, Rau Dang is predominately used as a medicinal herb, cultivated on a small scale and foraged from the wild. In Ayurvedic medicine, Rau Dang is believed to help reduce joint pain, fevers, and inflammation in the body. The dried leaves are also found to help repel mosquitos when burned. In addition to medicinal uses, this fast-growing plant is a favorite home garden herb in Vietnam and the Philippines, easily grown in containers, and is used as an all-purpose herb and tea.
Rau Dang is native to tropical, water-filled regions in Asia and has been growing since ancient times. While the history of this herb is largely unknown, today Rau Dang is used throughout Asia and Southeast Asia for its bitter flavor and medicinal qualities. It can be found growing in the wild and cultivated on a small scale, sold at fresh local markets.