Kumato Cherry Tomatoes
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The Kumato cherry tomato is distinguishable from other cherry tomato varieties by its skin, which varies in color from a dark green-brown when they are young, to a dark red-mahogany once they fully mature. The darker hued skin of this variety is a result of their high fructose content. These tomatoes have a very round shape, and an extremely juicy inner flesh. Kumato cherry tomatoes offer a rich tomato flavor, with a slightly sour taste if they are young, but an exceptionally sweet flavor when they are ripe. Their plants mature and complete their lifecycle over the course of a single year, and are known for growing over four feet tall. Kumato tomatoes are typically low maintenance and easy to grow, as long as a consistent level of basic care is provided throughout the year.
Kumato cherry tomatoes are available year-round.
Current Facts
The Kumato tomato’s name comes from a George and Ira Gershwin song titled, “Let's Call the Whole Thing Off.” The line of the song, “You say tomato, I say tomato,” playfully emphasizes the way in which the Kumato is similar to other tomato varieties, yet it’s simultaneously quite unique. Tomatoes are botanically referred to as Lycopersicon esculentum or Solanum lycopersicum, depending on which side of the current botanical classification debate you stand on. After years of preference for the name Lycopersicon esculentum, strong molecular DNA evidence is promoting the return to Carl Linnaeus' original classification, Solanum lycopersicum.
Nutritional Value
Kumato cherry tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and are high in beta-carotene. They are cholesterol free, and are rich in potassium and magnesium. Due to their antioxidant rich make-up, tomatoes are also recognized as a cancer-fighting food.
Kumato cherry tomatoes are a delicious substitute for classic cherry tomatoes, and they can be utilized at all stages of ripeness. When dark green to brown, their mild flavor and firm texture make them ideal for being used raw and sliced for salads, sandwiches, pastas and flatbreads. Once they develop a rich red hue, their texture is juicy and their flavor is much sweeter. At this later stage they are exceptional for cooking. They can be roasted, grilled, sautéed, or boiled down to make sauces. Store Kumato cherry tomatoes as you would any other variety, away from direct sunlight at room temperature until ripe, after which refrigeration can slow the process of decay.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
A variety of Kumato tomato was first found in the Mediterranean. In the 1970s, Luis Ortega would often accompany his father to their family’s farm in the village of Agra on the Almerian coast. He eventually discovered that the tomatoes at the end of the lines, which received less water, were both darker in color than typical tomato varieties, and were also sweeter in taste. These unique characteristics inspired him to create a tomato similar to the one he had found, which would possess an authentic, yet superior tomato flavor with distinctive coloring. Specialists at the Swiss agricultural company, Syngenta, spent ten years experimenting with cross breeding to perfect the Kumato tomato that is on the market today.
The Kumato cherry tomato is a non-genetically modified hybrid variety, created by the Swiss agricultural company, Syngenta, through the cross-cultivation of a wild and domestic tomato, varieties SX387 and/or OLMECA. The Kumato tomato was bred to have a superior flavor and texture, and it is uniquely marketed for use at all stages of ripeness. Tomatoes sold under the Kumato brand are grown under strict regulations in order to ensure a consistent high quality. Today they are grown in Spain, France, Greece, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Turkey and Canada.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Kumato Cherry Tomatoes. One
