White Eight Ball Squash
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White eight ball squash has a smooth and shiny, thin skin that is speckled with pale green and white, often times with green striations running the length of the squash. Its semi-firm flesh is creamy white with petite, edible seeds. The favor of White eight ball squash is similar to that of zucchini, with a fresh vegetal taste and sweet, nutty accents. Their size can vary from one to four inches in diameter with the more petite squashes being sweeter and tenderer. More mature, larger sized squash will take on a firmer texture and are ideal for stuffed applications.
White eight ball squash is available in the summer months.
Current Facts
The White eight ball squash, botanically classified as a member of Cucurbita pepo, is a hybrid zucchini variety with a round shape. The White eight ball squash is one of three round summer squash varieties developed by Hollar Seed Company in the late 1990’s. White eight ball squash is also known as cue ball squash due its similarity in appearance to the cue ball in the game of billiards.
Nutritional Value
White eight ball squash contains dietary fiber and has high water content, particularly when young. It also offers some vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and magnesium.
White eight ball squash can be utilized both raw and cooked in recipes calling for summer squash and zucchini. Its unique shape and size makes it ideal for hollowing, stuffing and roasting. Hollowed out raw squash can also be used as a dish for ranch or herb dip on a fresh vegetable tray. When young and petite they can be roasted or grilled whole. Slice in to rounds and layer with other summer vegetables to make ratatouille or lasagna. Its flavor pairs well with vegetables such as eggplant, tomato, garlic and chili peppers, with fresh herbs like oregano, basil and mint, with olive oil, toasted bread crumbs and wild rice as well as with ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheese. To store keep dry and refrigerated, using within a week for best flavor and texture.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Eight ball squash such as the White eight ball were developed in the United Sates by Hollar Seed Company with the intent of creating a superior rounded squash variety in terms of flavor and texture and a variety that would be easy to grow for home gardeners.
White eight ball squash are a recent hybrid variety developed by Hollar Seeds of Rocky Ford, Colorado. The original green eight ball squash was released in 1999 and was an All American Selections winner. The White eight ball or cue ball squash is a white or light green version of the original green eight ball squash. Similar to the green, White eight ball squash are easy to grow and can be planted in the ground or in containers with potting soil. They are prolific growers, even more so than the green variety. The petite squash can be harvested as soon as the flowers fall off and the squash are between the size of a golf ball and a billiard ball. If they are left on the plant too long, the squash will become firm and woody.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include White Eight Ball Squash. One