Anya CandyCots®
Estimated Inventory, cs : 0
This item was last sold on : 07/14/24
Anya CandyCots® vary in size from small to medium and are round to oval in shape. The skin is smooth, thin, velvety, and golden orange-yellow with a shallow groove running lengthwise down the fruit. Underneath the skin, the flesh is soft, golden yellow, and encases a large inedible, brown stone. Occasionally brown spots appear across the surface, creating a slightly leathery texture, and these markings are known as sugar spots. When this occurs, these spots are not decaying but are due to high sugar levels and are a sign that the fruit will taste very sweet. Anya CandyCots® are juicy, jammy, and tender with a sweet, candy-like flavor.
Anya CandyCots® are available in limited quantities in the late spring through early summer.
Current Facts
Anya CandyCots® are botanically members of the Prunus genus and are small fruits that grow on trees that belong to the Rosaceae family. It took over fifteen years to create Anya CandyCots®, and the Anya is a recent variety that is one of five cultivars created under the CandyCot® name. Anya CandyCots® are an early-ripening fruit that are grafted onto peach rootstocks, are self-pollinating, and are one of the few varieties of CandyCot® selected for commercial production. These small fruits are only offered for a short season and are favored by consumers for their very sweet flavor, ranging 26-32 on the Brix scale.
Nutritional Value
Anya CandyCots® are an excellent source of iron, vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and potassium.
Anya CandyCots® are predominately consumed fresh, out-of-hand to savor the complex flavors and juicy consistency. In addition to fresh eating, the fruits can be sliced and tossed into green or fruit salads, topped over ice cream, or used in tarts and baked goods. Anya CandyCots® have also been lightly dried and placed onto a milk chocolate bar as a limited-edition candy in St. Louis. The delicate fruits will only keep for a couple of days when stored at room temperature and can also be kept in the refrigerator for extended shelf life.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Anya CandyCots® were named after a woman in Central Asia that John Driver, one of the creators of CandyCot®, met during his global apricot research. These fruits took many years to develop and are true apricots, derived from specialty varieties that were hand selected and gathered from Asia. The fruits are regarded as so unique that the CandyCot® was even DNA “fingerprinted” at UC Davis to map out the complex genetic lineage.
Anya CandyCots® were developed in partnership between Driver Family Farms and Britton Konynenburg Family Farms in California. It took over fifteen years to create the Anya CandyCot®, and the fruits were first tested in 2005. Today Anya CandyCots® are available through select distributors and growers in partnership with the CandyCot® Fruit Company and are found in the United States.