Marmande Heirloom Tomatoes
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The Marmande is a medium-large sized beefsteak tomato that is lightly ribbed with a flattened globe shape. The flesh is juicy and meaty with minimal seeds, and it offers a savory tomato flavor with subtle tartness, as well as a hint of sweetness. The Marmande is an early-ripening variety, and the strong, semi-determinate bushy tomato plants grow upright and often need support as they produce clusters of the large scarlet-red fruits, each weighing six to eight ounces.
The Marmande tomato is available in the summer.
Current Facts
The Marmande tomato is a French heirloom variety, botanically classified as Lycopersicon esculentum or Solanum lycopersicum 'Marmande’. It is a favorite variety throughout Europe, and is distinguished by its irregular shape and touch of pink on its shoulders. The Super Marmande is a commonly found improved seed variety that is virtually identical, but larger in size.
Nutritional Value
Tomatoes are widely known for their outstanding antioxidant content, notably their amount of the lycopene, which has been studied in connection with cancer prevention. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, contain good amounts of vitamins A and B, and are a good source of calcium and iron.
The Marmande tomato belongs to the “beefsteak” group of tomatoes, meaning that it is very juicy and large with a robust flavor that lends itself best to fresh eating. They’re a great addition for summer salads, and they are also great for slicing and topping burgers and sandwiches. Marmande is very popular as a stuffed tomato, due to its size and its juicy, meaty walls. They pair well with soft cheeses and savory herbs. Store tomatoes at room temperature until ripe, after which refrigeration can slow the process of decay.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Every year in July, the small town of Marmande, France, origin of the Marmande tomato, hosts a two-day Tomato Fiesta where you can enjoy a parade, concerts, a farmers’ market, cooking workshops, and more. The city, dressed in red as homage to the tomato, attracts Michelin-starred chefs, as well as 100,000 attendees for this annual festival!
Marmande is a classic French heirloom that dates back to the end of the 19th century. It originated in Marmande, France, where they are still considered a specialty and are grown in greenhouses. Marmande tomatoes were first bred by Vilmorin Seed Company, France and released about 1897. This variety is known for producing well in cooler weather conditions and is an excellent variety for growing outdoors, notably in places such as California's bay area.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Marmande Heirloom Tomatoes. One
