New Zealand Strawberries
Estimated Inventory, 12 ct : 0
Pajaro is the main strawberry variety grown in New Zealand. This premium variety is consistently large, with a symmetrical shape and a bright red color. These berries are generally red all the way to the stem. Parajos can be difficult and expensive to grow, but they are still grown because they are super sweet.
A short season, New Zealand Strawberries are typically available from November to December.
Current Facts
Strawberries can be grown in most parts of New Zealand, but the main district of commercial production is in Auckland. The Auckland region produces over 40% of the commercial crop within New Zealand and less than 6% of the United States' crop. This percentage has decreased within the U.S. over the past 30 years beacuse the demand for strawberries' availability year round has increaed, and California's growing season is longer than New Zealand's. Plus, it is cheaper to buy within the country.
Nutritional Value
Eight medium-sized fresh strawberries contain about 50 calories, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 240 milligrams of potassium, and 140 per cent of the RDA of vitamin C, which is more than in an orange.
Strawberries are versatile because of their sugar content and acidity. Blend fresh berries with water, and herbed simple syrup for agua fresca. Cook sliced strawberries with sugar and lemon juice until the consistency of jam, then jar and use as a spread. Blend into smoothies, milkshakes, or ice cream. Blend with basil and freeze for a unique sorbet. Puree, spread in a thin layer and dehydrate for homemade fruit leather. Combine with rhubarb in any number of sweet applications. Add sliced strawberries to green salads with fava beans and grated pecorino cheese. Puree strawberries with tomatoes, garlic and basil for a fresh gazpacho. Dip whole berries in chocolate. Use in savory preparations as well as sweet. Strawberries keep best when stored in the refrigerator and eaten within two to three days.
Growing berries was one of New Zealand’s first horticultural industries. Led by strawberries, New Zealand exports various varieties of excellent berry crops that are freshly shipped mainly to the United States, Japan and Canada.