Zingy® Apples
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Zingy® apples are a medium to large varietal, averaging 7 to 8 centimeters in diameter, and have a uniform, round to slightly conical shape with flat, curved shoulders tapering to a narrow base. The apple’s surface is moderately ribbed, and some russeting is present in the stalk cavity. The semi-thin skin is smooth and taut with a faint sheen, and yellow lenticels are prominently scattered. Zingy® apples ripen from green to golden yellow hues and are almost entirely covered in a saturated, bright red blush. Underneath the skin, the cream-colored to ivory flesh is somewhat fine-grained to textured, firm, dense, and aqueous with a snap-like, crunchy, and chewy consistency. The flesh also encases a central fibrous core filled with tiny purple-brown, oval, oblong seeds. Zingy® apples are edible raw when ripe and release a delicate aroma. The variety has a sugar content ranging from 13.5 to 14 degrees Brix and high acidity. Zingy® apples initially have a bright, acidic, sour, and tangy taste, followed by a lingering, pleasant sweetness.
Zingy® apples are harvested from late summer through fall and can be stored and sold through mid-spring.
Current Facts
Zingy® apples, botanically classified as Malus domestica, are a French variety belonging to the Rosaceae family. The early season, bi-colored apples were released in the early 21st century and were chosen as a commercial cultivar through the Innatis Group for their brightly colored nature, surprising taste, and extended storage properties. Zingy® apples are noted for their vibrant red and yellow hues, and it is often said the apples look like they are glowing on the trees. Growers also value the variety for its high yields, uniform fruit size, and disease resistance. It took over 15 years of development to create Zingy® apples, and the fruits are hand-picked each season. Zingy® apples are grown in High Environmental Value and Eco-Responsible orchards, meaning the orchards adhere to strict standards to preserve biodiversity and increase traceability during the production process. When in season, Zingy® apples are utilized by consumers in a wide array of fresh and cooked, sweet and savory preparations.
Nutritional Value
Zingy® apples have not been extensively studied for their nutritional properties. Like other modern, bi-colored varieties, the apples may be a source of potassium to balance fluid levels within the body, fiber to regulate the digestive tract, and calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Apples also provide magnesium to control nerve functions, vitamin C to boost the immune system, vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, vitamin E to protect the cells against free radical damage, and other nutrients, including zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamin K, and manganese. The apple's pigmented skin contains anthocyanins, natural compounds with antioxidant-like properties to help reduce inflammation.
Zingy® apples have an acidic, sweet, and zesty flavor suited to fresh and cooked preparations. The variety is promoted as an apple that can be eaten straight out of hand and has a distinct taste. Zingy® apples are surprisingly sour and tangy when first bitten, but after chewing the flesh, a sweetness is released, giving the fruits a dynamic eating experience. Zingy® apples can also be tossed into salads, mixed into fruit bowls, or used as a topping for grain-based dishes, parfaits, and oatmeal. Try layering Zingy® apples into sandwiches or fresh spring rolls for added crunch and flavor. In addition to raw preparations, Zingy® apples add complexity to various baked goods and desserts. The apples can be added to pies, muffins, cakes, tarts, and turnovers or fried into fritters. In France, Zingy® apples were used to make a spiced apple cake on Toues en Cuisine, a television show starring Cyril Lignac. Zingy® apples can also be simmered into jams, jellies, syrups, and preserves, or they can be cooked into a sauce and served with roasted meats. Zingy® apples pair well with herbs such as parsley, rosemary, and cilantro, nuts including almond, pine, and walnuts, spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, and cloves, and fruits including bananas, grapes, melon, and strawberries. Whole, unwashed Zingy® apples will keep for several weeks when stored in a cool, dry, and dark location, such as a cellar or the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. In professional cold storage, the apples will keep for 3 to 4 months.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Zingy® apples were named for their zesty flavor. It is said over 400 names were considered for the variety initially known as HC2-1. Zingy® was eventually chosen as it mirrors the apple’s initially bright and tart, acidic taste, followed by a lingering sweetness. It is also mentioned that the word Zingy® has a “sparkling” sound and embodies a “tart” taste. Zingy® is a short, catchy, and memorable name positioned for international markets, and the variety is one of four exclusive apples produced and sold through the Innatis Group, along with Honeycrunch®, LoliPop®, and Choupette®.
Zingy® apples are native to France and were developed in the early 21st century as a new commercial cultivar. The variety was bred by International Fruit Obtention, also known as IFO, and was created in Western France. In 2003, a controlled cross was made from a variety called HY46-3, the male parent, and DL33, the female parent, at Seiches sur le Loir, a commune in the Maine-et-Loire department in France. After the cross, seeds were planted in an IFO orchard, and seedlings were eventually grown to be evaluated and tested for several years. Research continued throughout the early 21st century, and the variety was asexually propagated by grafting in 2009. The new IFO variety was initially named HC2-1, and in 2016, Innatis, a collective of French growers and industry professionals, obtained the exclusive rights to produce and commercialize the HC2-1 variety. Within Innatis, the apples are grown and marketed underneath the Pomanjou Group. In 2019, HC2-1 apples were rebranded under the name Zingy® and officially debuted at Fruit Attraction in Madrid in October. Since their release, Zingy® apples have been grown exclusively in the Anjou region of France and are sold throughout France and Europe. Trials are being conducted in Italy, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, and Switzerland. They are also being considered for cultivation in Australia, South Africa, and Chile. Today, Zingy® apples are sold throughout Europe through select retailers and distributors. The Zingy® apples featured in the photograph above were sourced through Fruit Logistica in Berlin, Germany.