Orange Chef's Choice Tomatoes
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Orange Chef's Choice tomatoes are bright orange inside and out. The average fruit weighs about 12 ounces with some growing up to 1 pound. The fruit is sweet with low acid and prized for its early yield, compared to other orange beefsteak varieties. When cooked the color does not fade, making it popular in soups and sauces.
Current Facts
Orange Chef's Choice is a beefsteak tomato, characterized by large, heavy fruit and thick, meaty texture. They are botanically known as either Lycopersicon esculentum or Solanum lycopersicum. Orange Chef's Choice is a hybrid derived from the popular heirloom tomato Amana Orange. It won an All-America Selections National Vegetable Award in 2014. All-America Selections are new seed varieties that have proven their superior garden performance in trial grounds across North America.