Santa Rosa Plums
Estimated Inventory, 8 lbs : 0
The Santa Rosa plum is a medium to large variety that is almost completely round with a gently indented seem that runs tip to stem. It has a perfectly speckled and glistening deep ruby red skin so thin that when the flesh is punctured, it pops. The fruit's deep strawberry and orange colored flesh is firm yet tender, extremely juicy when ripe and so low acid its flavors are reminiscent of fruit punch and cherry jolly ranchers.
Santa Rosa plums are available during summer.
Current Facts
The Santa Rosa plum is a stone fruit cultivar within the genus, Prunus, which includes cherries, apricots, peaches and almonds. The Santa Rosa is considered the benchmark variety of plums. Named for its growing region, it was originally created from Asian plum parentage to become an improved variety with its capacity to bear large yields of fruit, ship easily, resist disease and carry a longer shelf-life than the heirloom varieties whose place the Santa Rosa plum would quickly take.