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Arava Melons

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Arava melons are a small to medium-sized varietal, averaging 12 to 20 centimeters in diameter and 48 to 64 ounces in weight, and have a uniform, round to oblate appearance with curved, even edges. The melon's rind is thin but tough, ripening from green to golden yellow with maturity. The surface is also covered in a raised, corky netting with a pale yellow to tan hue, giving the rind a textured, slightly rough feel. Underneath the rind, the pale green flesh is thick, smooth, fine-grained, and aqueous with a firm but succulent, tender consistency. Depending on the melon's growing conditions, the flesh may exhibit more concentrated green hues just below the surface, fading into a light green, almost white shade around the cavity. The flesh also encases a central hollow cavity filled with clusters of tapered, tan seeds suspended between stringy white fibers. Arava melons release a musky, perfumed aroma when ripe, and their scent can fill an entire room with honeyed nuances. The melon's flesh contains a high sugar content, creating a sweet, almost candy-like taste with tropical, floral, and nectar-like undertones.


Arava melons are grown in the southern and northern hemispheres, providing year-round availability through export. The melons have a peak season in the spring through mid-fall.

Current Facts

Arava melons, botanically classified as Cucumis melo var. reticulatus, are a fragrant Israeli variety belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. The mid to late-season cultivar grows on sprawling, trailing vines extending over 1.5 meters in length and is a type of Galia melon favored for its sugary-sweet taste and soft, tender flesh. Since their release in the late 20th century, Arava melons have become a popular variety in their native Israel and have expanded commercial cultivation to regions worldwide. Arava melons are sometimes sold under general descriptors, including Middle Eastern melons, Passport melons, Mediterranean melons, Israeli honeydew, and Israeli melons, and the variety is an F1 hybrid that grows well in various climates, maturing in 75 to 80 days and slipping from the vine when ripe. Growers value Arava melons for their high yields, uniform shape and size, perfumed nature, and resistance to powdery mildew. In the modern day, the variety is sold as a specialty melon and is typically consumed fresh out of hand or incorporated as a flavorful raw ingredient.

Nutritional Value

Arava melons are a source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system while reducing inflammation, potassium to balance fluid levels within the body, and fiber to regulate the digestive tract. The variety also provides vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, calcium to build strong bones and teeth, iron to develop the protein hemoglobin for oxygen transport through the bloodstream, and other nutrients, including magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamin K, and copper.


Arava melons have a sweet, tropical, and floral flavor suited for fresh preparations. The variety is traditionally consumed straight out of hand and is savored for its juicy, tender nature. When serving slices of the melon, additional seasonings such as salt, chile powder, ginger, black pepper, lime, or lemon juice can be sprinkled for added flavor. Arava melons can also be cubed, scooped, or sliced and mixed into fruit medleys, tossed into green salads, or served as a topping over breakfast dishes such as oats, porridge, parfaits, and granola. The melon's refreshing nature lends itself to chilled dishes, and the flesh can be frozen and blended into sorbet, pureed into shaved ice, juiced into cocktails, added to smoothies, or frozen into popsicles. Try pickling the flesh for a salty-sweet combination. The sweetness of Arava melons complements both savory and sweet dishes, and one of the most popular appetizers uses the saltiness of prosciutto and the sweetness of the melon to create a balanced dish. Arava melons pair well with tart, spicy, and salty ingredients, including cheeses such as blue, feta, mozzarella, and goat and nuts such as pine, almonds, and cashews. The melons also enhance the flavor of dishes infused with mint, basil, and cilantro and are often mixed with ginger, honey, citrus, raspberries, coconut, figs, or grapes for enhanced flavoring. Whole, unwashed, unopened Arava melons should be ripened at room temperature in a cool and dark place. The variety has a short shelf life, only lasting for 1 to 2 weeks, and once opened, it is recommended to immediately consume the flesh for the best quality and flavor. Store any remaining pieces of flesh in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Ethnic/Cultural Info

Arava melons were named for a valley in Southern Israel that runs through the Negev desert. The word Arava translates to mean "desolate and dry area" and has Arabic and Hebrew origins. The Arava desert is approximately 112 miles long and is considered one of the harshest regions in Israel, receiving less than one to two inches of rainfall annually. The area was viewed for centuries as uninhabitable, but in the early 1950s, an idealistic group desired to claim the land and settle. Israel's prime minister at the time, David Ben-Gurion, granted the group the rights to develop the land, and soon after their arrival, farmers established modern drip irrigation and greenhouses to grow produce such as melons, berries, tomatoes, and peppers. Growers would also use saline water collected from underground wells and nearby towns to irrigate their crops. Locally, it was believed that the use of saline water helped the plants produce sweeter fruits and vegetables. As word of the area's success spread, more farmers moved into the desert, and today there are over four thousand inhabitants in the valley. Presently, the Arava desert region supplies over sixty percent of the fresh produce exported from Israel. Within the country, Arava melons are esteemed as one of the best melon varieties found in local markets, and the variety is sold as a hydration and food source.


Arava melons are native to Israel and were developed by Genesis Seeds, an international seed breeder located in the Negev desert. Genesis Seeds is a family-owned and operated company since 1994 and is one of the largest organic seed producers in Israel. Arava melons were created through the company as a type of Galia melon, another hybrid melon native to Israel developed in 1973. Galia melons were the first Israeli hybrid melon and were made from a cross between the smooth-skinned melon, Ha'Ogen, and a netted Russian variety known as Krymka. Since their commercial release, Arava melons have grown in popularity outside of Israel and have become specialty melons cultivated worldwide. Today Arava melons are produced in the southern and northern hemispheres for year-round availability. The melons are frequently exported and sold in fresh markets, and several global seed companies promote the variety as an easy-to-grow home garden melon. In the United States, Arava melons are primarily grown in California and Arizona and are found through farmer's markets, distributors, and select retailers.

Recipe Ideas

Recipes that include Arava Melons. One is easiest, three is harder.
Two Peas and Their Pod Melon Salad with Mint, Lime, and Sea Salt

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5184 Articles






    Hewe's Crabapples

    Wickson Crabapples

    European Crabapples

    Pacific B.C.Crabapples

    Red Vein Crabapples

    Siberian Crabapples

    Transcendent Crabapples



    Delicious Pilafa

    Gold Delicious

    Red Delicious

    Striped Delicious




    Benji Shogun

    Early Fuji

    Golden Fuji

    Sun Fuji



    Golden Blushing

    Golden Knob

    Golden Reinette

    Golden Rose

    Golden Russet

    Golden Supreme


    Peruvian Golden




    Lady Alice®

    Lady Gala

    Lady Williams






    Pink a Boo




    Allington Pippin

    Cox's Orange Pippin

    King of the Pippins

    Missouri Pippin

    Norman's Pippin

    Red Pippin

    Ribston Pippin

    Saint Edmunds Pippin

    Strawberry Pippin

    Wyken Pippin



    Red Ball

    Red Charles Ross

    Red Chief

    Red Comet

    Red Gold

    Red Jonaprince

    Red Prince®

    Red Wave

    Red Windsor







    Ananas Reinette



    Grise du Canada Reinette

    Rouge Etoile Reinette







  Other Varieties



    Adams Pearmain

    Aennurca Italian






    Alatau Dawn



    Alps Otome





    Annie Elizabeth



    Api Noir



    Arkansas Black


    Ashmead's Kernel


    Aurora Golden Gala™

    Autumn Glory®

    Autumn Greeting


    Baker's Delicious


    Barnack Beauty

    Bashkir Beauty

    Belle de Boskoop

    Belle de Boskoop Red

    Belle de Tours


    Beni Akari

    Beni Iwate

    Beni Roman


    Black Twig

    Blenheim Orange


    Bloody Butcher

    Bloody Ploughman





    Bravo™ Baby


    Calville Blanc d'Hiver



    Candil Sunrise



    Candy Candy Crisp®

    Candy Candy Time

    Carswell's Orange



    Cheerful Gold

    Chegworth Beauty



    Cinnamon Spice

    Coeur de Boeuf

    Coeur de Reine


    Cornish Aromatic

    Cornish Gilliflower


    Cosmic Crisp


    Court of Wick

    Court Pendu Plat


    Crimson Gold



    Cripps Pink



    D'Arcy Spice



    Daniel Fele Renet




    Delbard Estivale






    Dorsett Golden


    Egremont Russet

    Ein Shemer


    Ellison's Orange










    Faversham Creek










    George Cave


    Ginger Gold


    Gold Medal

    Gold Windrose



    Granny Smith

    Granny Smith Red




    Green Dragon™

    Green Peruvian



    Grimes Golden



    Hanners Jumbo

    Hardy Cumberland



    Hidden Rose®


    Honey Crunch



    Hoshi No Kinka

    Hubbardston Nonesuch

    Hudson Golden Gem



    Ile Alatau Aport

    Ingrid Marie

    Inored Story

    Isaac Newton's Tree


    James Grieve












    Kaiser Franz Joseph

    Kaiser Wilhelm


    Kandil Sinap





    kazakhstan Jubilee



    Kidd's Orange Red



    King David

    Kinsei (Venus®)


    Kissabel® Jaune


    Knobby Russet








    La Crete De Fontena

    Lamb Abbey

    Laxton's Superb






    Little Jewel



    Lord Lambourne


    Lucy™ Rose



    Mabbott's Pearmain


    Madu South African



    Malang Cherry

    Malang Green

    Malus Sieversii







    Melrose White

    Merton Worcester



    Miss Lady


    Mollie's Delicious

    Moon Rouge




    Mountain Rose



    Mutsu Red

    Mystery Kazakh

    Naga Wild

    Nakano no Kirameki


    New Jersey

    Newton Wonder

    Newtown Pippin





    Norfolk Beefing

    Norfolk Royal Russet


    Northern Spy

    Northern Spy Gold



    Oaken Pin (of Taylor)





    Orin Sweet

    Orleans Reinette


    Ozark Gold

    Pacific Beauty

    Pacific Rose™

    Paradis Sparkling®

    Patte de Loup

    Paula Red



    Pearmain Blue

    Pearmain Old



    Philo Gold

    Pig's Nose


    Pinner Seedling















    Rhode Island Greening








    Roxbury Russet





    Rubinette Red









    Sekai Ichi



    Sheep's Nose



    Shunmei 21


    Sierra Beauty


    Sir John Thornycroft

    Smart's Prince Arthur









    Sour David






    Splashes Of Champagne



    Star Crimson

    Stay Brite


    Strawberry Parfait

    Suffolk Pink


    Summer Treat




    Sunrise Magic




    Sweet Maia



    Swiss Gourmet

    Tejocote Fruits







    Tripoli Delicious Pilata


    Tsugaru Gold


    Twenty Ounce

    Tydeman's Early

    Upton Pyne

    Vernyi Pear




    White Filling

    White Pearmain


    William Crump

    William's Favourite

    Williams' Pride



    Winesap Stayman


    Winter Banana

    Wolf's Paw

    Worcester Pearmain


    Yellow Bellflower

    Yellow Transparent

    York Imperial

    Zabergau Reinette














    Black Velvet™

    Blue Velvet™

    Gold Velvet™

    Red Velvet™

  Other Varieties




    Anya CandyCots®




    Bonny Royal

    Cot-N-Candy Aprium®



















    Purple (Fiesole)



  Other Varieties


    Carciofi Violetti



    Fiore Viola








    Purple Long Stem


    Spineless Catania

    Spinoso di Menfi


    Tinos Island

    With Thorns





    Bamboo Shoots Dried

    Bamboo Shoots Fresh

    Bamboo Shoots Takenoko

    Bamboo Shoots Tuberose



    Bok Choy

    Choy Sum Purple

    Napa Cabbage

    Savoy Cabbage




    Japanese Eggplant

    Japanese Yoshikawa Nasu Eggplant





    Dark Green






    Bottle Round



    Sponge Apple Luffa

    Sponge Smooth

    Sponge Taiwanese



    Fish Mint

    Japanese Cherry

    Pepper Hatogarashi

    Radish Daikon





    Ebi Imo root

    Fish Mint



    Kohlrabi Green

    Kohlrabi Purple

    Kohlrabi White



    Taro Big

    Taro Stems

    Taro Stems Red Zuiki

    Taro Thai Yam





    Kunyit Putih Turmeric







    Lily Fruit

    Lotus Stems


  Other Varieties


    Alpinia Stems

    Ash Gourd

    Bac Ha

    Bananas Pisang Mas


    Basil Thai White Holy

    Batrawali Vines

    Beans Soybeans

    Bitter Eggplant (Likok)

    Bottle Gourd

    Butterbur Sprout

    Celery Baby

    Celery Chinese

    Chi Gu

    Choy Sum

    Choy Sum Tsai Tai

    Cucumbers Persian Cucumbers


    Drumstick Moringa


    Gai Choy

    Gai Lan

    Ghost Plant

    Greens Tatsoi

    Herbs Basil Thai

    Herbs Chives Yellow

    Herbs Lemongrass

    Indian Eggplant

    Indian Shallot

    Jack Fruit

    Katakuri Flowers





    Kufri Pukhraj Potatoes

    Kundu Winter Melon

    Lasia Shoots

    Lett Mizuna

    Lotus Seeds


    Malaysian Jungle Fern

    Mangrove Apples



    Mixian (Chinese Amarith)




    Mush Wine Caps





    Okahijiki Land Seaweed


    Olives Chinese

    Olives Indian

    Ooba Green

    Ooba Red


    Pea Tendrils Lamborn

    Peaches Okayama White

    Pears Asian

    Peas Snow




    Radish Daikon

    Radish Korean Lo Buc

    Raisin Tree Japanese

    Rakkyo Negi

    Rice Shoots Wild



    Sea Grapes


    Seri (Japanese Parsley)

    Shelling Beans Edamame

    Snake Gourd

    Sprts Bean Mung

    Sprts Kaiware

    Sprts Onion Green

    Squash Kabocha

    Squash Opo

    Sugar Cane Green

    Sugar Cane Purple

    Sugar Cane Swizzle


    Sweet Potato Stems



    Teasel Gourd







    Wasabi Red (Mazuma)

    Yam Stem Tubers

    Yama Udo


















    Long Beans

    Long Dragon

    Long Mosiac

    Long Purple

    Long White







    Balu Chachafruto


    Black Coco

    Black Soybeans





    Dixie Butter

    Dragon Tongue


    Fava Greens


    Flor de Mayo

    Frijol Cuarentano

    Frijoles Cargamanto Rojos

    Frijoles Diablito


    Good Mother

    Hidatsa Red


    Jacob's Cattle

    Jewish Yellow


    Lima Christmas

    Montes de Maria




    Pigeon Peas


    Scarlet Runner

    Tiger's Eye

    Tongue of Fire



    Vermont Cranberry

    White Cap

  Other Varieties

    Blue Lake


    Coco Plat


    Dragon Tongue

    English Runner

    Fava Tendrils


    French Baby Purple

    French Baby Yellow

    Green Akishima Sasage

    Guar (Cluster)

    Ice Cream

    Ice Cream Shimbillo

    Indian Broad

    Kacang Polong Bogor

    Karang Panjang

    Marvel of Venice



    Romano Green

    Romano Purple

    Romano Yellow

    Ruby Moon


    Torta Verde

    Valor Long

    Wax Purple

    Wax Yellow

    Wild Colombian














    Bunch Bulls Blood

    Bunch Chioggia

    Bunch Cylindra Gold

    Bunch Cylindra Red

    Bunch Gold

    Bunch Red

    Bunch White










  Other Varieties

    Badger Flame

    Beetcave Cuite


    Crapaudine Cuite

    Crapaudine Au Four

    Crapaudine Beetroot

    Forno Gold

    Forno Red





    White Avalanche

Bell Peppers



















    Tinker Colorful

    Tinker Green

    Tinker Yellow













  Other Varieties


    Chocolate Mini




    Japanese Green

    Japanese Red

    Orange Mini

    Red Mini
















    European Blueberries

    Green Blueberries

    Pink Lemonade Blueberries

    Wild Blueberries



    Black Currants

    Red Currants

    Tiben Currants

    White Currants







    Barbados Gooseberries

    Cape Gooseberries

    Captivator Gooseberries

    Ceylon Gooseberries

    Green Gooseberries

    Mukurines Gooseberries

    Naga Foraged


    Pink Thornless

    Star Gooseberries








    Chinese Red

    Dried Mulberries

    King White









    Black Raspberries

    Double Gold Raspberries

    Gold Raspberries

    Purple Raspberries

    Red Raspberries


    Sunshine Raspberries

    West Indian









    Asuka Ruby


    Beni Hoppe

    Beni Tsuyaka



    Fragole di Marsala





    Ichigo AIBERRY






    Mara Des Bois



    New Zealand



    Red Diamond™

    Sakura Momo

    Sanuki Hime








    White Alpine




  Other Varieties


    Barberry Kashgar





    Blue Grape





    Cherry of the Rio Grande

    Chokeberry Black


    Coffee Gold


    Cranberry Highbush

    Cranberry Swamp Siberian

    Elderberriy Green


    Elderberry Blue

    Elderberry White




    Guelder Rose


    Huckle Black

    Huckle Red

    Husk Tomato




    Kiwi Baby

    Leunca Nightshade

    Lilly Pilly




    Michurin's Aronia



    Morón de Páramo




    Nanking Cherries









    Sea Buckthorn






    Tropical Apricot









Bitter Melon













  Other Varieties



    Baby Broccoli

    Broccolini® (Aspirations)



    Calabrese Baby


    Italian "Di Ciccio"


    Purple Peacock


    Rapini Olive Leaf

    Rapini Purple




Brussels Sprouts









    Black Summer Bok Choy

    Bok Choy Baby

    Bok Choy Red

    Bok Choy Shanghai



    Michihili Napa

    Red Dragon

    Red Napa Cabbage

    Sprouting Napa

  Other Varieties

    Choi Sum Baby White

    Conehead Cabbage Green

    Conehead Cabbage Red

    Fun Jen Cabbage

    Green Baby Cabbage

    Green Cabbage

    Italian Black

    Pac Choi


    Red Baby Cabbage

    Red Cabbage

    Savoy Baby Cabbage

    Savoy Red Deadon

    Taiwanese Bok Choy

    Taiwanese Flat Cabbage

    Tokyo Bekana

    Yu Choy















    Bunch Baby Red (Maroon)

    Bunch White

    Bunch Yellow


    Mix Bunch

  Other Varieties


    Black Knight

    Black Nebula



    Bunch Rainbow


    Chantenay Purple


    French Coloree Carrottes



    Kintoki Ninjin

    Loose Carrots



    Pink Baby


    Purple Cosmic

















    Green Baby Cauliflower

    Orange Baby Cauliflower

    Purple Baby Cauliflower

    White Baby Cauliflower







    Green Cauliflower

    Orange Cauliflower

    Purple Cauliflower

    White Cauliflower







    Green Sprouting

    Orange Sprouting

    Purple Sprouting

    White Sprouting

  Other Varieties

    Caulilini Sweet Stem




    Florentino Sweet Baby

    Murasaki Fioretto










    Black Bradbourne

    Black Pearl

    Black Polstead

    Black Republican

    Black Tartarian

  Other Varieties



    Arvin Glenn

    Belle Magnifique




    Cedar Bay



    Donnisens Gelbe Knorpelkirsche

    Early Glenn

    Early Novelty

    Flavor Giant


    Glenn Heart

    Griotte d'Ostheim




    Minnie Royal




    Royal Kay

    Royal Rainier












    White Japanese

    Yellow Drogan














    Bel Fiore

    Costa Rossa


    La Rosa del Veneto



    Wild Grumolo

  Other Varieties





    Pissenlit Blanc







    Treviso Tardivo

    White Salad







Dragon Fruit








  Guinea Hen












    Green Jade

    Mix Red White Blue


  Other Varieties

    Almond Blossoms

    Alyssum Purple

    Alyssum White

    Amaranth Tassel Burgundy

    Apple Blossoms

    Apricot Blossoms


    Baibing Yam


    Black-Eyed Susan Vine

    Bok Choy

    Borage White




    Calendula Mix



    Cat Whiskers



    Cherry Blossoms Japanese

    Chinese Lantern

    Choi Sum


    Chrysanthemum Japanese


    Citrus Gem Lemon Star

    Citrus Tangerine Gem

    Clover Blossom

    Cowslip Creeper

    Cucumber Blossoms

    Daisy Chocolate


    Dill Blossoms

    Dragon Fruit Buds


    El Aleli


    Fennel Bronze

    Flor de Retama


    Garlic Chive Blossoms

    Garlic Chive Spears

    Garlic Society

    Geranium Chocolate

    Geranium Rose

    Green Mizuna

    Guava Pineapple Blossoms

    Hana Wasabi

    Hanaho Flowers

    Iceplant Buds


    Kale Portuguese

    Lavender Wands



    Loroco Blossoms

    Malabar Spinach

    Micro Marigold Citrus Gem Mix

    Mint Blossoms



    Morning Glory Buds


    Mustard Frill Red

    Nasturtium Canary

    Nasturtium Pods


    Orange Blossoms

    Oregano Flowers

    Oxeye Daisy






    Pea Tendril Blossoms

    Peach Blossoms

    Pear Blossoms

    Pink Peppercorns

    Plum Blossoms

    Quince Blossoms


    Radish Daikon Blossoms



    Red Gem Marigold

    Rose Petals


    Rosemary Blossoms




    Santolina Flowers

    Scallion Blossoms

    Sesbania Flowers White

    Sesbania Flowers Yellow




    Sunchoke Blossoms

    Sunflowers White

    Sunflowers Yellow

    Sunny Side Up





    Winter Savory


    Yu Choy

    Yucca Blossoms






    Black Nightshade

    Christmas (Toyon)

    Cinnamon Tree


    Dogwood Kousa

    Highbush Cranberries

    Indian Hawthorn








    Maple Blossoms

    Onion Wild

    Sticky Monkey

    Woolly Blue Curls



    Fresh Green

    Green Sarawak





    Ginger Wild


    Stinging Nettle

    Wild Arugula

  Other Varieties


    Acorns Black Oak

    Acorns Live Oak Coastal

    Autumn Olives

    Balloon Cotton-Bush Fruit

    Bark Madrone

    Broadleaf Plantain

    Cactus Agave Buds

    Cactus Pear Red Cactus


    Carrot Wild


    Celery Wild




    Coastal Spicebush

    Desert Apricots

    Dock Curly (Wild Rhubarb)


    Fennel Seeds

    Grape Wild

    Greens Passionflower Wild



    Herbs Sage Black

    Herbs Sage White

    Herbs White Horehound


    Ice Plant

    Iodine Bush

    Japanese Knotweed



    Leaves Bay California

    Leaves Strawberry

    Lett Miners Green

    Lettuce Miners Red

    Lettuce Wild


    Mallow (Cheeseweed)


    Milkweed Pods

    Mountain Tea

    Mustard Wild

    Oats Wild

    Pea Shoots

    Peas Wild Sweet


    Pine Needles

    Pine Nuts

    Pineapple Weed

    Pinyon Pine Cones

    Pinyon Pine Pollen Cones


    Plums Natal

    Ponderosa Pine Pollen Cones

    Radish Wild

    Ribgrass Plantain

    Rock Samphire

    Romerito (Seepweed)


    Sea Beans Red

    Sea Fennel

    Seaweed Sargassum

    South African Wild Plums

    Spruce Tips



    Strawberry Tree


    Walking Tree Onions

    Walnuts Black

    Water Mimosa

    Wood Sorrel

    Yam Wild

Fresh Origins



    Flowers Allysum

    Flowers Angelica

    Flowers Arugula Blossoms

    Flowers Assortment

    Flowers Bachelor's Buttons

    Flowers Basil Blossoms

    Flowers Begonia

    Flowers Borage

    Flowers Broccoli Flowers

    Flowers Bud Pineapple

    Flowers Buzz Button™

    Flowers Calendulas

    Flowers Carnations

    Flowers Chive Blossoms

    Flowers Chocolate Bellflower

    Flowers Cilantro

    Flowers Confetti

    Flowers Confetti Premium

    Flowers Cosmos

    Flowers Dahlia

    Flowers Dill

    Flowers Elder

    Flowers Fava

    Flowers Fennel Blossom

    Flowers Firestix™

    Flowers Firestix™ Mix

    Flowers Fuchsia Mix

    Flowers Garlic

    Flowers Herb Mix

    Flowers Lavender Wands

    Flowers Marigolds

    Flowers Micro Blend™

    Flowers Micro Dianthus MicroFlowers™

    Flowers Micro Fuchsia™

    Flowers Micro Honeysuckle™

    Flowers Micro Jasmine

    Flowers Micro Lavender

    Flowers Micro Marigold Florets™

    Flowers Micro Marigold™

    Flowers Micro Orchid™

    Flowers Micro Pepper Mix

    Flowers Micro Princess™

    Flowers Micro Star™

    Flowers Micro Sun Daisy™

    Flowers Micro Valentines Hearts

    Flowers Micro White Mum™

    Flowers Mint Blossom

    Flowers Mix Pink

    Flowers Mustard

    Flowers Nasturtiums

    Flowers Onion

    Flowers Pansy

    Flowers Pansy Purple

    Flowers Pea

    Flowers Radish

    Flowers Rose Little Red Corvette

    Flowers Rosemary

    Flowers Sage Monet Pink

    Flowers Scabiosa

    Flowers Snapdragons

    Flowers Thyme Blossoms

    Flowers Viola

    Flowers Viola Blue

    Flowers Viola Red

    Flowers Viola Yellow

    Flowers Violas Purple

    Herbs MintTops Banana

    Herbs MintTops Chocolate

    Herbs MintTops Mix

    Herbs MintTops Peppermint

    Herbs MintTops Pineapple

    Herbs MintTops Spearmint

    Leaf Amaranth Giant

    Leaf Begonia Angelwing

    Leaf Celery Snowflake™

    Leaf Cheese™

    Leaf Endive Violet Flash™

    Leaf Giant Fire™

    Leaf Kinome Leaf

    Leaf Mushroom 50 ct

    Leaf Nasturtium Leaves

    Leaf Oyster

    Leaf Purple Butterfly™ Sorrel

    Leaf Rootbeer

    Leaf Sorrel Silver

    Leaf Sunset Geranium™

    Micro Amaranth Red

    Micro Arugula

    Micro Arugula Sylvetta™

    Micro Basil Italian

    Micro Basil Lemon

    Micro Basil Mix

    Micro Basil Opal

    Micro Basil Thai

    Micro Beet Bulls Blood

    Micro Borage

    Micro Broccoli

    Micro Buzz Leaf™

    Micro Cabbage Chinese

    Micro Cabbage Red

    Micro Caraway

    Micro Carrot Fern Leaf™

    Micro Carrot Tops

    Micro Celery

    Micro Celery Feather Leaf

    Micro Chamomile

    Micro Chef's Blend

    Micro Chervil

    Micro Chickweed

    Micro Chives

    Micro Cilantro

    Micro Cress Upland

    Micro Cress Water

    Micro Cucumber™

    Micro Dill

    Micro Epazote

    Micro Fennel

    Micro Hearts on Fire™

    Micro Herb Mix™

    Micro Huacatay

    Micro Iceplant

    Micro Kale Chinese

    Micro Kale Red

    Micro Kale Tuscan

    Micro Kohlrabi Purple

    Micro Leaf Shiso Bicolor

    Micro Leek

    Micro Lemon Balm

    Micro Lovage

    Micro Mache

    Micro Marjoram

    Micro Mint

    Micro Mint Lavender™

    Micro Mint Lemon™

    Micro Mitsuba

    Micro Mix Absinthe

    Micro Mix Antioxidant

    Micro Mix Asian™

    Micro Mix Chard

    Micro Mix Citrus™

    Micro Mix Fiesta

    Micro Mix Fines Herbes™

    Micro Mix Intensity™

    Micro Mix Italian

    Micro Mix Lett. Grmt

    Micro Mix Merlot™

    Micro Mix Mint

    Micro Mix Mirepoix™

    Micro Mix Ocean™

    Micro Mix Poultry™

    Micro Mix Radish™

    Micro Mix Rainbow™

    Micro Mix Shiso

    Micro Mix Southwest™

    Micro Mix Spicy™

    Micro Mix Sweet Spice™

    Micro Mizuna

    Micro Mustard Dijon™

    Micro Mustard Red

    Micro Okra™

    Micro Onion

    Micro Pak Choy

    Micro Parsley Curled

    Micro Parsley Italian

    Micro Pea Greens

    Micro Pea Tendrils

    Micro Pennyroyal

    Micro Pepper Cress

    Micro Pepper Green

    Micro Radish Daikon

    Micro Radish Ruby™

    Micro Rapini

    Micro Sage

    Micro Salad Burnet

    Micro Savory

    Micro Sea Beans™

    Micro Sea Grass™

    Micro Shiso Green

    Micro Shiso Korean

    Micro Shiso Red

    Micro Shungiku

    Micro Sorrel

    Micro Spinach Burgundy

    Micro Tangerine Lace™

    Micro Tarragon

    Micro Tarragon Spanish

    Micro Tatsoi

    Micro Thyme

    Micro Turnip Greens

    Micro Verdolaga

    Micro Wasabi™

    MiniCrown™ Bull's Blood

    MiniCrown™ Frisee

    MiniCrown™ Lettuce Mix

    MiniCrown™ Lollo Rossa

    MiniCrown™ Mache

    MiniCrown™ Pak Choy White

    Nature Straws™ Green

    Petite® Basil

    Petite® Amaranth Red

    Petite® Angelica

    Petite® Arugula

    Petite® Arugula Sylvetta™

    Petite® Basil Italian

    Petite® Basil Lemon

    Petite® Basil Licorice

    Petite® Basil Midnight

    Petite® Basil Opal

    Petite® Basil Thai

    Petite® Beet Bull's Blood

    Petite® Buzz Leaf™

    Petite® Celery

    Petite® Chervil

    Petite® Chives

    Petite® Cilantro™

    Petite® Dill

    Petite® Epazote

    Petite® Fava Leaf™

    Petite® Fennel

    Petite® Hearts on Fire™

    Petite® Herb Mix™

    Petite® Herbs De Province

    Petite® Iceplant

    Petite® Lavender

    Petite® Lemon Balm

    Petite® Lemon Grass™

    Petite® Lett Freckles

    Petite® Lett Lollo Rossa

    Petite® Lilyette Leaf™

    Petite® Lucky Shamrock Mix™

    Petite® Marjoram

    Petite® Meadow Sorrel Mix

    Petite® Mint

    Petite® Mint Lavender

    Petite® Mint Lemon

    Petite® Mitsuba

    Petite® Mix Amth Carnival™

    Petite® Mix Asian™

    Petite® Mix Basil™

    Petite® Mix Citrus™

    Petite® Mix Fines Herbes™

    Petite® Mix Italian

    Petite® Mix Kale

    Petite® Mix Let. Gourmet

    Petite® Mix Merlot

    Petite® Mix Mustard™

    Petite® Mix Season's™

    Petite® Mix Shiso

    Petite® Mix Southwest™

    Petite® Mix Spinach™

    Petite® Mix Vietnamese

    Petite® Mizuna

    Petite® Mustard Frill Green

    Petite® Mustard Frill Red

    Petite® Mustard Red

    Petite® Ocean Mix

    Petite® Onion

    Petite® Oregano

    Petite® Pak Choy

    Petite® Pak Choy Red

    Petite® Parsley Curled

    Petite® Pea Greens™

    Petite® Pea W/ Tendril

    Petite® Pumpkin Green