Spring Onions
Estimated Inventory, bunch : 0
Spring onions are harvested primarily for their bulbous roots. The roots have a thin, moist, paper-white skin with a snow white flesh that is crisp, savory and sweet. The green stems are hollow and can be more pungent and dry than the roots.
Spring onions are available during the summer months.
Current Facts
The spring onion is unique to the onion family as its bulbous root never fully develops like the common onion. It is also known as a green onion or a scallion, though its oblong bulbs are harvested at a much larger diameter than scallions. Each plant produces a singular underground bulb with multiple vertical green leaves above ground.
Spring onions are most often utilized raw. The whole onion can be flash blanched and grilled, which brings out more the robust and sweet elements of the onions, and makes them a bolder pair for fish and meats. Saute sliced spring onions, ginger and tomato until cooked and thickened, then use as a gravy for chicken. Saute diced spring onions until browned and crisp, then toss with fresh fettucine, ricotta and top with a fried duck egg. Slowly cook until caramelized, then stir into mashed potatoes or cream of potato soup. Spring onions keep, refrigerated for one to two weeks.