Green Doctors Cherry Tomatoes
Estimated Inventory, bskt : 0
Green Doctors cherry tomatoes are small, round, yellowish-green fruits, averaging two centimeters in size and weighing less than an ounce. Their flavor can be somewhat mild at the start of the season, but they quickly develop a deliciously sweet taste with a balancing hint of tartness, and are considered a low acidity variety. These tiny tomatoes grow on large, 1.5 to 2-meter tall vines in clusters of about 8 to 10. The high-yielding Green Doctors cherry tomato plant is an indeterminate variety, meaning it’s a long, sprawling vine plant that will bear fruit continuously throughout the season. Green Doctors cherry tomatoes ripen when yellow undertones appear on their green skin.
Green Doctors cherry tomatoes are available mid-summer through early fall.
Current Facts
Tomatoes, originally termed Solanum lycopersicum by Carl Linnaeus, are botanically referred to as Lycopersicon esculentum, although modern studies are encouraging a return to the original classification. There are two variations of the Green Doctors cherry tomato, the other being a clear-skinned version that produces frosty-looking green fruits. Hence it is known as the Green Doctors Frosted cherry tomato, an epidermis mutation of the Green Doctors cherry tomato, and is said to be a slightly sweeter version of Green Doctors.
Nutritional Value
Green Doctors cherry tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and contain vitamin A and vitamin C, making them a good snack for maintaining eye health and boosting your immune system. They are rich in fiber, iron, vitamin B-6, and have decent amounts of calcium and Vitamin K, both of which are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on bones and bone tissue.
Green Doctors cherry tomatoes can be used in both raw and cooked preparations. Use them raw in salads, chop and add lime to make a great, simple salsa verde, or simply snack on the fresh, sweet fruits as is. For cooking, consider frying, roasting, or making a sauce with mature fruits, or even a tomato broth, which can be served warm or chilled. Pair with complimentary ingredients including fresh corn, shelling beans, young and soft cheeses, eggplant, cucumbers, fresh nuts, avocados, zucchini, and herbs such as mint, arugula and basil. All varieties of cherry tomatoes should be stored away from direct sunlight at room temperature for approximately two to three days, or until ripe and ready to use, after which refrigeration can slow the process of decay.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Green Doctors cherry tomato was named after Dr. Amy Goldman and Dr. Carolyn Male, both who’ve published notable books about tomatoes. Green Doctors is a sport of the ivory-colored ‘Dr. Carolyn’ cherry tomato that Dr. Amy Goldman found growing in her own garden in New York. She subsequently released it to the Seed Savers Exchange in 2007.
Green Doctors cherry tomato originated as a green variation of the ivory-colored ‘Dr. Carolyn’ tomato, and was discovered in 2002. It is an open-pollinated tomato variety that is said to be very adaptable to any home vegetable garden. Keep in mind that tomatoes are not cold-hardy plants, and they need warm weather in order to grow successfully. They cannot stand any frost, and they are sensitive to low night temperatures.