Estimated Inventory, bskt : 0
Blueberries are delicate, petite and round. Their skin has a soft, hazy white coating, which is known as the bloom. The bloom forms a natural waterproofing and helps protect the berries from the sun and other natural elements. Blueberries have a sweet and woodsy flavor with a low acid finish when ripe.
Blueberries are available year-round, with peak season in the summer.
Current Facts
Blueberries, botanical name Vaccinuium corymbosum, are perennial flowering plants within the genus Vacciniuma, which also includes cranberries and bilberries. There are three types of Blueberries: highbush, lowbush and hybrid half-high. The highbush Blueberry is the most commercially important of the three types. Blueberries’ deep blue coloring is due to the concentration of anthocyanin present in their skin, more than any other fruit or vegetable. These Blueberries come from Whitney Ranch just south of Santa Barbara, CA. Because of the mild climate, they are able to specialize in growing Blueberries year round with only a short time of unavailability. Many of the blueberry varieties they grow are being tested by the Farm Advisor of the University of California Extension Service for recommendation to new blueberry growers, so they have the latest and most successful varieties available.