Baby Bunch Mix Carrots
Estimated Inventory, bunch : 0
Baby mixed carrots from Jaime Farms are a melange of yellow, white, purple haze, black night and the standard orange, all picked at their immature stages for young harvest. The flavor profiles range from earthy, mild and sweet. All the carrots are characteristically crunchy but some of the carrots are more prolific and high-yielding, so look for certain carrots to be more main players than others, ie: yellow and orange.
Baby mix bunched carrots are available year-round.
Current Facts
A highlight in the mix: the purple haze carrot was the 2006 All America Selections Winner. Purple Haze is not tolerant to bolting and must be planted later in the spring to avoid extreme cool conditions at a young stage, hence it is the peskier variety that sometimes doesn't make it into the mix. Its color is a bit of a mirage too, as when cooked it fades to orange and when peeled the flesh revealed is orange as well.
This mix often contains the variety, Juane De Doubs, an original yellow heirloom strain from Europe and one of the Old World type of yellow carrots that used to be the standard for hundreds of years up to the 20th century. A common sight in the European markets of the 16th and 17th century now being rediscovered for their strong production and mild flavor.