Mix Cherry Tomatoes
Estimated Inventory, 15 ct : 0
Mixed cherry tomatoes come in a variety of sizes and color as there are hundreds of varieties. The perfect cherry tomato will be, first and foremost, in-season. Cherry tomatoes should be almost firm, thin, and smooth-skinned. The flavor will be a balance of sweet and tart. Like all tomatoes, cherry tomatoes can be classified based on how they grow, as their plants produce in two different forms: determinate or indeterminate. Determinate varieties grow on bush-like plants with short vines and bear just one crop per season, while indeterminate varieties are long, sprawling vine plants that bear fruit continuously throughout the season.
Mixed cherry tomatoes are available year-round.
Current Facts
Tomatoes, originally termed Solanum lycopersicum by Carl Linnaeus, are botanically referred to as Lycopersicon esculentum, although modern studies are encouraging a return to the original classification. Tomatoes are categorized in subgroups that represent variations observed within the tomato species, referred to as their cultivar: a botanical term that is a contraction of the two-word term cultivated variety, and is equivalent to what growers simply call a “variety.” Therefore, cherry tomatoes are more specifically called Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme, and they are further classified as either heirloom or hybrid. Heirloom cherry tomatoes are tomatoes that have been reproduced for generations without crossbreeding, whereas hybrid cherry tomatoes are the result of crossing two different varieties.