White Nectarines
Estimated Inventory, cs : 0
This item was last sold on : 09/03/24
White nectarines distinguish themselves from Yellow nectarine varieties in their balance of sugar and acid. White nectarines lack the acidity that yellow nectarines contain, thus they are referred to as sub-acid. Fruits are rounded and slightly heart-shaped with a single central groove. Their skin is paper thin, smooth and blushed with hues of ruby, pink and ivory throughout. The flesh is perfumed with aromatics, overtly juicy when ripe, and creamy in color. A ripe White nectarine's texture is tender firm with a melting quality, its flavors rich and decadently sweet with baking spice nuances
White nectarines are available during the summer months.
Current Facts
White nectarines, botanical name, Prunus persica nucipersica, are a stone fruit and species within the genus, Prunus, alongside cherries, apricots, plums and almonds. Nectarines are the result of a natural occurring genetic mutation of peaches. There are dozens of white nectarine varieties, with names such as Arctic Rose and Heavenly White. The season for White nectarines continues to expand with the introduction of early ripening nectarines that have been developed to reach the same level of quality and sweetness of their mid and late-summer counterparts. One of the most successful early ripening varieties is named Polar Lights, developed by revered stone fruit horticulturist, Floyd Zaiger.