Estimated Inventory, 10 lbs : 0
Kumato™ tomatoes ripen from the inside out, their color changing naturally from dark brown to a golden green, and they are unique in that they are edible in all stages of ripeness. When dark brownish-red with no green in sight, the flavor is mild and is best used for cooking. When brownish in color and brushed with red, these tomatoes are at the peak of flavor, and when brownish with a slight green overcast, they are at their ideal eating stage. They are juicy with a firm texture, and they have a higher brix level, or fructose content, than that of traditional red tomatoes, resulting in their extraordinarily sweet, complex flavor, which is succulent and also slightly tart. Kumato™ tomatoes are perfectly round in shape and are about the size of a golf ball, and they grow on indeterminate or vining plants, which are often recommended for caging or staking.
Kumato™ tomatoes are available year-round.
Current Facts
Tomatoes, previously termed Solanum lycopersicum, are botanically referred to as Lycopersicon esculentum, although modern molecular evidence is encouraging a return to the original classification. Like the potato and eggplant, the tomato is a member of the nightshade family. Kumato™ is a registered trademark of Syngenta, a Swiss agricultural company that keeps tight control over distribution of the seeds. Only Syngenta and its licensed growers who follow strict cultivation guidelines may use the Kumato™ trademark. Kumato™ tomatoes undergo methodical production, harvest, and packing and distribution according to very precise standards, and their seeds are only distributed to licensed resellers and cannot be purchased by the general public.