Red Cabbage
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Red cabbage is distinguished by its coloring, texture and flavor. Like Green cabbage it is rounded and wrapped in tightly wound waxy leaves. The leaves are more violet and burgundy versus true red. Their flavor is far more bold, cruciferous and peppery versus Green cabbage, which is also due to the anthocyanin pigments. Red cabbage lacks water weight, which makes its leaves chewier and coarser than Chinese cabbage varieties.
Red cabbage is available year-round.
Current Facts
Red cabbage, botanical name Brassica oleracea or B. oleracea var. capitata F. rubra, is a variant of white hard-heading cabbage and a descendent of three distinct cabbage types within the Brassica family. The word "cabbage" is an Anglicized form of the French caboche, meaning "head." It has been used to refer to loose-heading and nonheading forms of Brassica oleracea. Red cabbage's colorings are due the presence of anthocyanins. These plant pigments produce red, pink, violet and magenta colors within different parts of food plants plants.