Organic Brown Turkey
Estimated Inventory, 12 ct : 0
The Brown Turkey fig has a variegated, rusted red to purple skin with slightly pale green shoulders. The fruit will often crack upon ripeness, exposing its flesh at its stem end. Its flesh is the color of a rosé with amber-toned edible seeds. The edible seeds are numerous and generally hollow, unless pollinated. Pollinated seeds provide the characteristic nutty taste of dried figs. The overall flavor of a ready-to-eat Brown Turkey fig is sweet, with flavors of hazelnuts and confectionaries.
Brown Turkey figs are available in the spring and late summer.
Current Facts
There are almost two hundred cultivars of figs. They grow in a wide range of shapes, colors and textures. The Brown Turkey fig, Ficus carica is considered the best-growing variety of figs. Other names for Brown Turkey figs include aubique noire, negro largo and san piero. Brown Turkey fig trees bear a first crop, called the breba crop, in the spring from the last season's growth. The second crop is borne in the fall on the new growth and is known as the main crop.