French Leeks
Estimated Inventory, ea : 0
French leeks differentiate themselves from common leeks in both appearance and flavor. The French leek is sleek with more snowy white flesh versus green throughout its shank, which is advantageous as the green leaves can be fibrous and less edible raw. French leeks have a savory sweet aroma and flavor without the pungency of other alliums, their flesh consistently moist and tender. Young French leeks can be about a foot in length while mature leeks can reach up to two feet while still maintaining their slim figure. Ideally, French leeks will be 1/2" in diameter and not reach diameters of more than 3/4" inch.
French leeks are available year-round with a peak season in late winter or early spring.
Current Facts
French leeks are also known as French leek primor, scientific name Allium porrum, are a superior quality hybrid developed as a fresh market leek for their sweetness, succulence and tender texture. They are meant to be picked young, but those that mature still demonstrate superior flavor.