Red Shallots
Estimated Inventory, 10 lbs : 0
Red shallots are teardrop-shaped and resemble miniature onions. They are wrapped in a multiple paper-thin layers of reddish-purple skin that sometimes encases a single bulb or multiple segments clustered together like a head of garlic. The inner layers of grey-white flesh is spicy and savory when raw like a cross between onion and garlic. As they cook, their flavor becomes more delicate and sweet.
Red shallots are available year-round.
Current Facts
Shallots are botanically classified as Allium cepa var. aggregatum, and are in the same genus as onions, garlic and leeks. There are more than 500 different types of shallots which are categorized by their color: red, gold or gray. Some popular red shallot varieties are French Red, Holland Red, Camelot, and Conservor. The shallot is a cool season perennial crop that is planted as an annual.