Emerald Gem Plums
Estimated Inventory, cs : 0
Emerald Gem plums are small, round fruits. It's skin is greenish-yellow and reach only about 3 ounces in weight. The flesh is golden in color and has a crunchy, juicy texture. At its center is a small pit that clings to the flesh. The flavor is super-sweet with a 20 Brix compared to the average plum at 16.
Emerald Gem plums are available in the summer months.
Current Facts
Emerald Gem plums are actually pluots, a hybrid of a plum and apricot. Pluot is the registered trademark name given to a stonefruit that was developed by Floyd Zaiger of Zaiger Genetics in 1989. Emerald Gem plums are currently found at local farmers markets and specialty stores as they do not have commercial significance due to their small size.