Purplette Scallions
Estimated Inventory, bunch : 0
Purplette scallions, also known simply as purple scallions, are mild and sweet-flavored. Harvested with its contrasting green top, this little onion is ready to eat when it is anywhere between the size of a nickel and a quarter.
Purplette Scallions are available year-round.
To prepare, wash and remove the roots and most of the green tops. Dice the flavorful edible tops; use like chives. Cut bulbs into desired size pieces; enhance fresh mixed green salads with this onion's excellent flavor. Sauté or roast whole; serve as a tasty and complementary garnish for grilled, roasted or sautéed meats.
Locally grown at Rutiz Farms located at Arroyo Grande, California, this renowned farm has been producing superior produce since 1983.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Purplette Scallions. One is easiest, three is harder.
David Lebovitz | Pickled Red Onion | |
Lara Ferroni | Scallion Salsa Verde | |
Cilantro & Citronella | Vegan Scallion Pancakes |