Artichoke Flower
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The artichoke flower is actually an artichoke going to seed. When allowed to continue its growth, an artichoke plant naturally blooms. Producing a flower-like appearance, the leaves play the role of petals while forming striking lavender purple thistles in the center.
Artichoke Flowers are available in the fall.
Current Facts
Artichokes are members of the Compositae, the huge daisy family. In fact, when you eat an artichoke, you are eating in essence a flower bud.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
In Italy, vegetable vendors actually hold springtime artichoke festivals. One of the most famous takes place in Cerda, celebrating its favorite vegetable and staple in Sicilian cuisine. The two-day event mixes art exhibits and other artichoke-themed entertainment.
Believed to be native to Mediterranean North Africa and southern Europe, ancient Romans and Greeks appreciated this thistled plant not only for its excellent taste but also for its medicinal benefits. The Latin word for artichoke "cinara" is derived from ash, a nourishing fertilizer that produced quality artichokes.