Cuban Squash
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
A blend of both pumpkin and squash, the Cuban squash is a brightly colored variety that produces a smooth, finely textured flesh and offers a rich flavor.
Cuban Squash is available late September to December.
Nutritional Value
Low in sodium and high in vitamin A, this squash provides a fair amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber.
This squash makes a delicious "pumpkin" pie. Add to baked casserole dishes. Use as a substitute for pumpkin, butternut, acorn or Hubbard squash. To store, keep in a dry, cool area. An excellent keeper.
This squash is especially popular in Hispanic communities and throughout the Caribbean. Known by many names, some include green pumpkin, West Indian pumpkin, toad back, Jamaican pumpkin, calabaza, sometimes spelled calabasa, zapallo, abóbora, crapaudback, ahuyama and giraumon. Grownrich soil, Cuban squash flourishes in the United States, the Caribbean and Central and South America. In Florida, calabaza refers to the Cuban pumpkin, also called Cuban squash.