Grapefruit Citrus GemFlowers
Inventory, 100 ct : 0
Girl and Dug Farms is a 60-acre hydroponic, greenhouse-based farming operation located in San Marcos, California. This allows Girl and Dug Farms to grow a wide array of produce and vegetables that may otherwise not thrive in the local growing conditions. Girl and Dug Farms' Grapefruit Citrus Gem are petite flower blooms consisting of vibrant brick red petals. Each flower bloom range between 1 to 3 centimeters in diameter and consist of five petals. The petals surround a golden yellow center known as the capitulum or floral head. Girl and Dug Farms' Grapefruit Citrus Gem have an aromatic floral scent with citrus undertones. The edible flowers have a mild citrus flavor, hints of pepper and a slightly bitter aftertaste and are available in the late summer to fall months.