Julian Spigold Apples
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
A catchy name for a perfectly scrumptiously sweet apple! Offering the tastiest qualities of its parents, the Northern Spy apple and the Golden Delicious apple, this lovely large golden apple sporting vivid red stripes is firm, juicy and aromatic. A very successful mix of two great apples, the Spigold delivers its very own spicy twist. Simply superb!
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Current Facts
Apples have long been referred to as Nature's toothbrush! While they don't actually clean the teeth, apples promote dental hygiene. Biting and chewing an apple stimulates the gums. The apple's sweetness promotes the flow of saliva which reduces tooth decay by decreasing the levels of bacteria in the mouth.
Nutritional Value
Cholesterol-free, an apple provides a source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and contains about 80 calories. The soluble dietary fiber in apples, called pectin, helps to lower cholesterol and is said to aid in the prevention of colon cancer. Boron, also found in apples, is claimed to build bone strength and increase mental vitality. Unpeeled apples offer the most nutritional benefits. Recognized as an important part of the diet, at least five servings daily of fruits or vegetables are recommended and lower the chances of cancer. A recent study found that eating nine or ten daily servings of fruits and vegetables, combined with three servings of low-fat dairy products, were effective in lowering blood pressure.
The Spigold apple never disappoints, whether enjoyed out of hand or made into scrumptious pies, sauce, apple butter, apple crisp, muffins, quick breads, crumbles, and cobblers, plus a seemingly endless variety of yummy goodies just too numerous to mention. Enhance fruit salads and mixed green salads with its excellent texture and taste. Slice; garnish most anything. Sliced or cut apples stay white longer if put in a bowl of water with two tablespoons of lemon juice. To store, refrigerate in coldest part of refrigerator. An excellent keeper, but why?
Locally grown at Julian, California, and native to New York state since 1962, Specialty Produce strongly supports and adamantly endorses our local growers, farmers, ranchers and the California farming industry.