Padron Chile Peppers
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Padron chile peppers individually are unique though similar in shape and size with curved and grooved furrows along their skin. Young Padrons are crisp, the color of limes, roughly two inches in length and their flavor savory, grassy, piquant and peppery. It is not uncommon to find a firey chile in the mix (roughly one in 10), making for a bit of Padron roulette. While there is no visual way to tell how hot a young Padron chile will be, as they age, they will deepen in color and eventually, as in many chile varieties, turn fire engine red and intensify dramatically in their heat level. Thus, it is safe to assume that mature Padron chiles will be hot. Typically, the Padron is a mild to hot chile, ranging from 500- 2,500 units in the Scoville index.
Padron chile peppers are available in the summer months.
Current Facts
Padron chile peppers, Pimientos de Padron, are a single heirloom non-hybrid variety of chile and members of the Capsicum family of Americas. The Capsicum family houses hot chiles, among them some of the hottest chiles in the world (Habanero, Ghost). The heat in Capsicum chiles is directly related to how much capsaicin a chile contains. The younger the Capsicum chile, generally the less capsaicin levels. Padron chiles are picked immaturely so as to avoid the higher levels of capsaicin, allowing for an entirely edible fruit.