Prime Apples
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Each Red Prime tree produces a heavy crop of round fruit with bright red skin. The flesh is white, with a firm and crispy texture. Red Prime apples are sweet with just a hint of tartness; some describe the taste of strawberries. They are similar to their parent Jonathan in flavor.
Red Prime apples have an early start, and are available beginning in late summer.
Current Facts
Red Prime apples are a Japanese variety of Malus domestica AKA Akane or Tokyo rose. It is a cross of a jonathan and a Worcester pearmain.
Nutritional Value
Apples are a healthy addition to the diet for a number of reasons. They contain dietary fiber, Vitamin C, and B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin and thiamin. They also contain phytonutrients and anti-oxidants.
This is a good apple for both eating fresh and for cooking. When used in cooking, little extra sugar needs to be added to recipes with Red Primes since they are so sweet. They also keep their shape when cooked, and should be used in recipes accordingly. They are popular with kids as well because of their sweetness. Red Primes do not store particularly well, and should be eaten within a week of their purchase. They will last slightly longer in the refrigerator.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Japan has been working on apple development for a number of decades. Red Primes were developed immediately before and during World War II, and were available for Japanese consumers around that time. However, because of the war, they were not available in the United States or the rest of the world until 1970.
Originally, the Red Prime was developed by the Morioka Experimental Station in Japan. Although Red Primes are originally a Japanese apple, they are increasingly being grown in western Washington state