Estimated Inventory, bskt : 0
Raspberries are distinguished by their flavor, size, shape and uniquely hollow core. They are an aggregate fruit with individual drupelets that are held together by very fine, nearly invisible hairs. The petite red fruits are roughly oval, plump and vary in flavor from sweet-tart to low acid depending on growing region and coloring. The hollow core is created when the raspberry is separated from its growing receptacle.
Current Facts
Raspberries are botanically classified as Rubus idaeus and are a perennial shrub within the family Rosaceae (the rose family). They are technically referred to as a bramble fruit which is a rough bush or vine that usually has sharp thorns on its branches. There are two types of raspberry plants: summer-bearers, which produce one crop per season and ever-bearers, which produce two crops, one in summer and one in fall.