Estimated Inventory, bunch : 0
Spearmint is a perennial plant that grow by underground rhizomes and can reach between 30–100 cm tall. The leaves grow opposite each other along a square stem, characteristic of the mint family. Spearmints are dark green, oval with serrated edges and a pointed tip. Each Spearmint leaf is about 5–9 cm long and 1.5–3 cm wide. Menthol gives Spearmint its signature smell and will be most intense when used fresh. As the plant matures, it will produce flowers in shades of pink, white and violet and will also lose some of its fragrance.
Spearmint is available year-round.
Current Facts
Spearmint is botanically known as Mentha spicata and is a part of the mint family. The word mint comes from Minthe, a Greek nymph who was changed into the plant mint by Persephone. Spearmint is also known as lamb's mint, our lady's mint, spire mint, and sage of Bethlehem.