Sweet Limes
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Sweet limes look similar to common limes, but have a yellow-green or yellow-orange rind rather than green. The fruits are generally round and smooth. The flesh is very sweet, since Sweet limes have little citric acid.
Sweet limes usually bear fruit in the winter months.
Current Facts
The Sweet lime is known by many different names, including lima dulce, Indian lime, and Palestine lime. This species is Citrus limettioides, and should not be confused with Citrus limetta, the sweet lemon, which is also sometimes confusingly called Sweet lime. Common varieties include 'India,' 'Columbia,' 'Soh Synteng,' and 'Palestine.' Sweet limes are somewhat of a mystery, but are thought to be a hybrid of a Mexican lime and a sweet lemon or citron. A recent study, however, found their parentage to be sour orange and citron.