Temple Oranges
Estimated Inventory, lb : 0
Temple oranges are globular in shape with a deep orange-red color. They have a thin, leathery skin that is easy to peel and have very little pith, with about three seeds per section. The Temple is the largest of the mandarin varieties. The Temple oranges are juicy, sweet and tangy with a warm spiciness.
Temple oranges have a short season during the late winter months.
Current Facts
The Temple orange, botanically classified as Citrus reticulate, originates from Jamaica. The Temple orange is technically a hybrid known as a "tangor", a cross between a tangerine and an orange; specifically a mandarin and a sweet orange. The Temple orange is also known as the Royal Mandarin. Temple orange tree produces monoembyonic seeds, which contain genes from both parents, making it one of the most commonly used "mother" trees for citrus hybridization.