Fresh Green Almonds
Inventory, lb : 0
This item was last sold on : 05/26/24
Fat Uncle Farms is a family-owned and operated nut farm focused on regenerative farming. The Siemens family combines organic agriculture, permaculture gardening, and ecosystem management to grow flavorful and sustainable almonds. Almonds are a member of the stone fruit family and are related to apricots, peaches, and cherries. The entire fruit is edible when underripe, offering a semi-soft, fuzzy, and slightly starchy flesh with an oval gelatinous pit that eventually develops into an almond. Green almonds provide a complex flavor with floral and grass-like notes and an overall sweet-tart flavor reminiscent of green apples, olives, and peas.
Green almonds are available in the early spring for a very brief 8 week period, beginning typically in late March or early April.