Concord Grapes
Estimated Inventory, 12 lbs : 0
This item was last sold on : 08/18/24
Concord grapes are medium to large in size and are round to oval in shape, growing in loose clusters on sturdy climbing vines. The thick, tannin-rich skin offers a pleasant chewiness and varies in color from deep blue to purple or almost black. A powdery film, or bloom, also develops on the skin’s surface which provides a natural waterproofing and prevents cracking. Concord grapes are a slip-skin variety, meaning the skin can be easily removed from the flesh without damaging it. The translucent green flesh is juicy, almost gelatinous, and contains many large seeds. Concord grapes are highly aromatic, tangy, and sweet with a unique musky flavor.
Concord grapes are available from late summer into early fall.
Current Facts
Concord grapes, botanically classified as Vitis labrusca, grow on hardy vines and are members of the Vitaceae family. Named after their city of origin, Concord, Massachusetts, Concord grapes have been a part of American viticulture since 1843 and have wild, native, New England ancestors. Concord grapes are one of the oldest domestically cultivated grapes grown today and are responsible for making the famous grape juice and jelly.
Nutritional Value
Concord grapes are an excellent source of vitamin C and the phytonutrient, resveratrol, an important chemical in maintaining heart health.
Concord grapes are best suited for both raw and cooked applications such as boiling and baking. They can be eaten out of hand and are occasionally used as table grapes, but watch for seeds in this tart, succulent-tasting grape. Concord grapes are incredibly versatile and are used for making preserves, juice, wine, liqueur, and vinegar. The grapes contain a chemical compound known as methyl anthranilate which is used to give soft drinks and candy its grape flavor. The intense grapey flavor also makes an excellent tangy sorbet that pairs well with rich, creamy desserts such as pies, cheesecake, or pannacotta and, of course, peanut butter. Other complimentary flavors include almond, pistachio, hazelnut, walnut, peanut, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, endive, arugula, fennel, rosemary, mint, yogurt, sour cream, crème fraiche, goat cheese, blue cheese, pork, duck, and poultry. Concord grapes will keep up to two weeks when stored unwashed in the crisper drawer in the refrigerator.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Concord grapes are most well-known for being the main ingredient in grape juice. In 1869, grape juice was first created by Dr. Thomas Welch, a dentist and prohibitionist, and he used forty pounds of Concord grapes from his front yard, cooked and squeezed the juice through cloth bags, sealed the full bottles, and then boiled them to prevent fermentation. His experiment was a success and the first grape juices were sold to churches for use during communion. Grape juice is still used at many communion tables today, and Concord grapes have also been made into Kosher wine for sacramental purposes.
Concord grapes originated in Concord, Massachusetts in 1849 and were first created by Ephraim Wales Bull. Bull wanted to create a hardy vine that could survive the cold climate of Massachusetts. He initially planted 22,000 seedlings and after six years chose one single vine that proved to yield the best fruit, and that original vine is still thriving today in Concord. Concord grapes are still predominately grown in the United States, but the juice and concentrate are also sold in Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Concord Grapes. One